As you already know we lost all chances to get the regular ferry in Kupang on Sunday because we had a problem with the radiator of our car. And it was a big challenge to find a ferry which could deliver our team to Larantuka port on Flores island without losing too much time. But Rainer did it – he offered a charter ferry! Yes, it was really expensive but we had no other choice to come to Flores without another time losses. We cannot wait 3 days for next ferry to Flores because it is a World Record tour!
Don’t think that was wood boat with 10 horsepower engine. No! It was big ferry made of steel with capacity of 30 cars and 16 people crew. Imagine – all this just only for our team and car! So, we had very comfortable 16 hours travel from Kupang to Larantuka. Like a sea cruise! Weather was calm and waves did not disturb us while we were working in the car and sleeping after this. And it is very important because Flores is one of the hardest parts of our World Record Tour. 730 kilometers from Larantuka to Labuanbajo we have to drive in 24 hours. And it is not too much as you can think.